The application allows an employee to capture expenses made on behalf of the company (confirmed by the photos of receipts, taken without leaving the app) and post them to the corporate AP system based on the Slingshot Software Business Suite, thus creating an expense report document.Besides the "regular" expenses paid initially by the employee, then reimbursed to him, supported are also the expenses charged to an employer company credit card (not reimbursed to the employee), the expenses re-billed to a customer, as well as the "non-monetary" expenses (mileage, per-diem) reimbursed to the employee at a predefined rate.An expense may also have accounting attributes associated with the expense class GL account variable elements (for which the expense class GL account should be a mask). Examples of such elements are Entity, Division, Cost Center and Job. The user must fill each of the relevant elements from a list of available values (provided by the app server).Default values for the company card, billed customer and GL account variable elements can be specified at the "global", expense report level.Entered expense amounts are aggregated in two kinds of totals: Total Expenses and Amount Due You.The user is required to provide a "trip description" that will become an expense report (document) description when the entered data is uploaded to the server.When the data has been uploaded, it is wiped out from the device local storage (along with the trip description - if the upload has been fully successful). The expense additional attribute defaults persist though, since there is a high chance that at least some of them will be the same in the same user next report.